This month we are Rolling the Dice. This month you will roll the die to decide your date. Their are 3 categories
1. Take out food
2. Location - where to go to eat your take out food
3. Activity to do together.
Each if you will write down 3 choices for each category. Then you will number your choices 1-6. (3 for each of you). John was the odd number and I was the even numbers in our case but you can do it however you think best. Also, if you are like John and I, you may match up quite a bit on your choices for each category. I guess that’s what being married 37 years does. Lol. It’s ok to match, just number those choices and then Roll The dice to see where your date will take you two.
We hope you enjoy your time together.
I am attaching a worksheet to do beforehand. It is really something for you to do to understand truth. Also remember to look over these Love is Statements together.
Love Is making a daily commitment to grow in love so that the love you offer is increasingly selfless, mature and patient.
Love Is being unwilling to do what is wrong when you have been wronged but looking for concrete and specific ways to overcome evil with good.