The Battle Within

Feb 23, 2025    Steve Marshall

The battle for the throne of your heart is lifelong and you need to know that there is a perpetual spy that also lives within your heart that looks for an opportunity to take over dominion of the throne. This spy musters a militia of thoughts to plot and plan to overthrow the master of the kingdom of your heart. This spy wants to be lord over you. The spy’s name is “desire.” Desire is a spy who should be allegiant to King Jesus, but is often swayed to turn against Him. Your desire can be your own worst enemy. He tells you that he is a better lord for your throne and his strategy is to betray you through three primary schemes. First, desire seeks to betray you by telling you to pursue the desire of your flesh. He tells you to pursue your physical pleasures at all cost. Second, desire seeks to betray you by telling you that you need to purse the desire of the eyes. He wants you to pursue what your eyes see at all cost. Third, desire seeks to betray you by telling you to pursue the pride of life. He wants you to embrace an independent confidence that you are great and important and you need nothing from God (1 John 2:15-17).