March 10th, 2023
by Steve Marshall
by Steve Marshall
December 20, 2019
Hey Church Family: What an amazing thought! The Son for God, The Logos, The Alpha and the Omega, The I Am, The Creator of the Cosmos, dominions, rulers and authorities and all things, The One foreknown before the foundation of the world, The One having neither beginning of days nor end of life came to Earth for us, was sent to us, was given to us, was revealed to us, putting on flesh, one Christmas morning 2000 years ago.
The Incarnation of the eternal Son of God into, the God-Man, named Jesus, blindsided Satan. He never saw it coming. So, we know that Satan is not all-knowing, right. In Satan’s pridefulness he could not have imagined that The Creator of the Cosmos, Son of God, would be coming to Earth to be born to a virgin in a lowly manger. Satan could have never imagined that God Himself would humble Himself to the point of becoming fully man. He never saw it coming that God loved His people with that kind of radical love.
Think about Satan getting a little trickle of information here and there about this act of redemption happening that was going to change eternity forever. Had Satan heard that Zechariah and Elizabeth were having a baby that would “prepare the way of the Lord”? Had he heard that Mary was giving birth, as a virgin, to the Son of the Most High? Had he heard Mary’s song of praise or Zechariah’s song of praise? Had he heard or seen the angel of the Lord appearing to the shepherds declaring that “unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord?” Had he heard or seen the angel and the multitude of heavenly hosts praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those whom He is pleased!”? Did he know that salvation by grace through faith was being born in Bethlehem with Mary and Joseph in a stable? Did he know about the wise men coming from thousands of miles away with gifts for the birth of the Messiah, Immanuel, God with us?
I am going to have to say, No, Satan did not know about any of this. Satan was clueless that God loved us so much that He was GIVING us His only Son to put on flesh and dwell amongst us, so that we could see His glory as of the Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. Satan was clueless that our God delighted in rescuing us this much to put flesh on His Son as Jesus Christ and to then experience a painful death securing us salvation from the power of sin and death and Satan. Satan never saw it coming. Satan never saw his destruction and the destruction of his works coming through this radical act of love by our loving Trinitarian God.
Whenever Satan started to figure out that God came as God-Man, Jesus, he started to do his destroying work through Herod killing all the new born male children hoping to kill the Messiah,Immanuel, incarnated Son of God. It was too late, Satan had already lost. Merry Christmas Satan, you lose. The Incarnation of the Son of God has released us from the power of sin and death and we now stand without any condemnation in Christ.
Church, the glory of the Lord is shining around us, the glory of the Lord is saying, I bring you great news of great joy that is for all people, for us a Savior has been born, Christ the Lord! I hope that you find time this Christmas to enjoy the limitless gift of God putting on flesh as the God-Man, Jesus Christ, to take away the sins of the world. There is no other gift that compares.
Enjoy this gift...
Psalm 18:19 He brought me out into a broad place; he rescued me, because he delighted in me.
I look forward to worshipping the Greatest Gift, Jesus Christ, this Sunday, Steve
The Incarnation of the eternal Son of God into, the God-Man, named Jesus, blindsided Satan. He never saw it coming. So, we know that Satan is not all-knowing, right. In Satan’s pridefulness he could not have imagined that The Creator of the Cosmos, Son of God, would be coming to Earth to be born to a virgin in a lowly manger. Satan could have never imagined that God Himself would humble Himself to the point of becoming fully man. He never saw it coming that God loved His people with that kind of radical love.
Think about Satan getting a little trickle of information here and there about this act of redemption happening that was going to change eternity forever. Had Satan heard that Zechariah and Elizabeth were having a baby that would “prepare the way of the Lord”? Had he heard that Mary was giving birth, as a virgin, to the Son of the Most High? Had he heard Mary’s song of praise or Zechariah’s song of praise? Had he heard or seen the angel of the Lord appearing to the shepherds declaring that “unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord?” Had he heard or seen the angel and the multitude of heavenly hosts praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those whom He is pleased!”? Did he know that salvation by grace through faith was being born in Bethlehem with Mary and Joseph in a stable? Did he know about the wise men coming from thousands of miles away with gifts for the birth of the Messiah, Immanuel, God with us?
I am going to have to say, No, Satan did not know about any of this. Satan was clueless that God loved us so much that He was GIVING us His only Son to put on flesh and dwell amongst us, so that we could see His glory as of the Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. Satan was clueless that our God delighted in rescuing us this much to put flesh on His Son as Jesus Christ and to then experience a painful death securing us salvation from the power of sin and death and Satan. Satan never saw it coming. Satan never saw his destruction and the destruction of his works coming through this radical act of love by our loving Trinitarian God.
Whenever Satan started to figure out that God came as God-Man, Jesus, he started to do his destroying work through Herod killing all the new born male children hoping to kill the Messiah,Immanuel, incarnated Son of God. It was too late, Satan had already lost. Merry Christmas Satan, you lose. The Incarnation of the Son of God has released us from the power of sin and death and we now stand without any condemnation in Christ.
Church, the glory of the Lord is shining around us, the glory of the Lord is saying, I bring you great news of great joy that is for all people, for us a Savior has been born, Christ the Lord! I hope that you find time this Christmas to enjoy the limitless gift of God putting on flesh as the God-Man, Jesus Christ, to take away the sins of the world. There is no other gift that compares.
Enjoy this gift...
Psalm 18:19 He brought me out into a broad place; he rescued me, because he delighted in me.
I look forward to worshipping the Greatest Gift, Jesus Christ, this Sunday, Steve
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