November 15th, 2024
by Steve Marshall
by Steve Marshall
Church Family: So what does observing the Sabbath mean for God’s people today? Are Christians still responsible to observe the Sabbath today? If so, how? Sabbath simply means "cease from work." What kind of work is God referring to?
The Original Sabbath:
After creating the world and everything in it, including man and woman, God “rested” from His work. He set aside the seventh day to be a day in which man and woman would cease from their labors and enter into God's rest (Gen. 2:1-3). Throughout the Old Testament God's people had a moral obligation to keep the Sabbath day holy. It was a mandatory law at creation long before it became the fourth law of the Ten Commandments of God (Ex. 20:8-11). The Sabbath day established a difference between the six days of work and the one day of rest. God set this pattern for humanity to follow throughout history and promised spiritual blessings to those who joyfully observe the Sabbath (Is. 58:1:14). It was for their own good and God's glory.
The Struggle for Sabbath:
The nation of Israel, in the Old Covenant, rejected God’s design for rest repeatedly (Ez. 20:1-13; Jer. 17:27), which also included worshipping false gods and rebelling in almost every way possible. But God continually called them back to a relationship with Him of rest. God wanted His people to rest in Him. Relational trust has always been at the heart of God’s Sabbath invitation, but Israel struggled to receive it. In Nehemiah 10, God's people covenant once again to honor the Sabbath and keep it holy. Why is it so difficult for God's people to trust in Him for rest?
The New and Improved Sabbath:
The God-given law at Creation for man and woman to keep the Sabbath always pointed forward to the expectation of the eternal rest in Jesus Christ that was foreshadowed in God’s story of redemption. The Creation command to Sabbath was fulfilled in the Christian Lord’s Day at the resurrection of Jesus. When Jesus finished the work of redemption on the cross, He rested in the grave on the Old Covenant Sabbath, the seventh day. Then Jesus arose from the grave on the first day of the week, Sunday, and that day became the weekly rhythm to enjoy the New Covenant Sabbath. Salvation from sins had been accomplished. The ceremonial purpose of the old covenant Sabbath was fulfilled in Jesus, so the Lord’s Day, Sunday, is the New Covenant Sabbath. It is celebrated by His people on the first day of the week. God reminds us in the book of Hebrews, “There remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God” (Heb. 4:9).
What are you to do on the Weekly New Covenant Sabbath?
First, on the Lord’s Day, Sunday, the Sabbath, we are to remember and enjoy that Christ has brought complete and final fulfillment in terms of salvation. Salvation work has ceased as we rest in the work of Christ (Gal. 3:13).
Second, as we remember that Christ has finished the work of redemption, we are to gather together as God’s people to rejoice and praise our Savior for His perfect work (Acts 20:7, 1 Cor. 16:2).
Third, we are to remember that our resting in Christ for salvation on the Sabbath will be fully realized and experienced on the final Lord’s Day when He returns and we experience our final rest with Him in glory in the new heavens and new earth in our heavenly bodies.
When we honor the Sabbath each week, we make room to rest in God’s presence and remember what He has accomplished for us in Jesus Christ. We choose to make room for God to reorganize our lives after a week of life-consuming worries and work. In the weekly rhythm of Sabbath, God brings order to our lives in a world of Chaos. Enjoy the Sabbath.
See you Sunday, enjoying God's rest: Steve
The Original Sabbath:
After creating the world and everything in it, including man and woman, God “rested” from His work. He set aside the seventh day to be a day in which man and woman would cease from their labors and enter into God's rest (Gen. 2:1-3). Throughout the Old Testament God's people had a moral obligation to keep the Sabbath day holy. It was a mandatory law at creation long before it became the fourth law of the Ten Commandments of God (Ex. 20:8-11). The Sabbath day established a difference between the six days of work and the one day of rest. God set this pattern for humanity to follow throughout history and promised spiritual blessings to those who joyfully observe the Sabbath (Is. 58:1:14). It was for their own good and God's glory.
The Struggle for Sabbath:
The nation of Israel, in the Old Covenant, rejected God’s design for rest repeatedly (Ez. 20:1-13; Jer. 17:27), which also included worshipping false gods and rebelling in almost every way possible. But God continually called them back to a relationship with Him of rest. God wanted His people to rest in Him. Relational trust has always been at the heart of God’s Sabbath invitation, but Israel struggled to receive it. In Nehemiah 10, God's people covenant once again to honor the Sabbath and keep it holy. Why is it so difficult for God's people to trust in Him for rest?
The New and Improved Sabbath:
The God-given law at Creation for man and woman to keep the Sabbath always pointed forward to the expectation of the eternal rest in Jesus Christ that was foreshadowed in God’s story of redemption. The Creation command to Sabbath was fulfilled in the Christian Lord’s Day at the resurrection of Jesus. When Jesus finished the work of redemption on the cross, He rested in the grave on the Old Covenant Sabbath, the seventh day. Then Jesus arose from the grave on the first day of the week, Sunday, and that day became the weekly rhythm to enjoy the New Covenant Sabbath. Salvation from sins had been accomplished. The ceremonial purpose of the old covenant Sabbath was fulfilled in Jesus, so the Lord’s Day, Sunday, is the New Covenant Sabbath. It is celebrated by His people on the first day of the week. God reminds us in the book of Hebrews, “There remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God” (Heb. 4:9).
What are you to do on the Weekly New Covenant Sabbath?
First, on the Lord’s Day, Sunday, the Sabbath, we are to remember and enjoy that Christ has brought complete and final fulfillment in terms of salvation. Salvation work has ceased as we rest in the work of Christ (Gal. 3:13).
Second, as we remember that Christ has finished the work of redemption, we are to gather together as God’s people to rejoice and praise our Savior for His perfect work (Acts 20:7, 1 Cor. 16:2).
Third, we are to remember that our resting in Christ for salvation on the Sabbath will be fully realized and experienced on the final Lord’s Day when He returns and we experience our final rest with Him in glory in the new heavens and new earth in our heavenly bodies.
When we honor the Sabbath each week, we make room to rest in God’s presence and remember what He has accomplished for us in Jesus Christ. We choose to make room for God to reorganize our lives after a week of life-consuming worries and work. In the weekly rhythm of Sabbath, God brings order to our lives in a world of Chaos. Enjoy the Sabbath.
See you Sunday, enjoying God's rest: Steve
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