January 31st, 2025
by Steve Marshall
by Steve Marshall
In His celestial courtroom, The Judge, God the Father, robed in radiant light, sat on His throne, His presence filling the room with awe. Before Him stood the Accuser of all mankind, Satan, his voice was articulate and unyielding as he presented a long list of charges against the defendant, a trembling soul named Steve. Steve stood in front of the defense table, overwhelmed by the weight of his guilt. Every sin he had committed was laid plain before the court. Steve had no defense, no excuse. He knew he was guilty. His head hung low as Satan's accusations echoed through the court. Satan concluded with a smirk, "And for these sins this man deserves nothing less than eternal separation from You, O perfect, holy, Judge. Your justice demands it."
The courtroom fell silent. Steve felt the crushing despair of his guilt and unworthiness. But then, a gentle hand rested on his shoulder. He turned to see his Advocate—Jesus Christ—standing beside him. Clothed in humility yet radiating majesty, Jesus stepped forward. Jesus began addressing the Judge with reverence and familiarity, "Your Honor, everything the Accuser has said is true. Steve has sinned and fallen short of Your glory. The wages of sin is death, and justice must be served.”
Steve's heart sank further. Even his Advocate agreed with the Accuser. "But wait," Jesus continued, raising His nail-scarred hands for all to see, "Yes, this is true, Steve does deserve death, but I have already paid the penalty for all of his sins. On the cross, I bore the punishment of death that Steve deserved. My blood was shed to satisfy the justice that you demand, My Father." The Accuser's smirk faded as Jesus turned to face him directly. Jesus said firmly, "Satan, you have no claim over this man. His name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, he has responded to Me in faith that I am the Lord and Savior, Messiah, God made flesh, to take away the sins of the world. Steve is clothed not in his own righteousness but in My righteousness."
The Judge leaned forward, His gaze energized with an intense love, asking, "Is this true?" Jesus replied confidently. "It is finished, I have paid it all, My righteousness is Steve's righteousness." The Judge, God the Father, raised His gavel high and declared with authority, "This man is free! The penalty has been paid in full by My Son. Case dismissed!" The courtroom erupted in praise as angels celebrated the victory. Steve fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face—not from fear but from overwhelming gratitude. As they left the courtroom together, Jesus looked at Steve and said firmly, "Go and sin no more, but if you do sin, remember you have an advocate with the Father, Me, Jesus Christ the righteous. I am the propitiation for your sins” (1 John 2:1-2; John 8:11).
Believers, you have an Advocate before a loving God the Father that declares that you are Holy and righteous, that perfect justice has been fulfilled in Him. Substitute your name in the place of "Steve," and be assured of your salvation knowing who your advocate is, Jesus Christ, the righteous.
See you Sunday, loving our Advocate: Steve
The courtroom fell silent. Steve felt the crushing despair of his guilt and unworthiness. But then, a gentle hand rested on his shoulder. He turned to see his Advocate—Jesus Christ—standing beside him. Clothed in humility yet radiating majesty, Jesus stepped forward. Jesus began addressing the Judge with reverence and familiarity, "Your Honor, everything the Accuser has said is true. Steve has sinned and fallen short of Your glory. The wages of sin is death, and justice must be served.”
Steve's heart sank further. Even his Advocate agreed with the Accuser. "But wait," Jesus continued, raising His nail-scarred hands for all to see, "Yes, this is true, Steve does deserve death, but I have already paid the penalty for all of his sins. On the cross, I bore the punishment of death that Steve deserved. My blood was shed to satisfy the justice that you demand, My Father." The Accuser's smirk faded as Jesus turned to face him directly. Jesus said firmly, "Satan, you have no claim over this man. His name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, he has responded to Me in faith that I am the Lord and Savior, Messiah, God made flesh, to take away the sins of the world. Steve is clothed not in his own righteousness but in My righteousness."
The Judge leaned forward, His gaze energized with an intense love, asking, "Is this true?" Jesus replied confidently. "It is finished, I have paid it all, My righteousness is Steve's righteousness." The Judge, God the Father, raised His gavel high and declared with authority, "This man is free! The penalty has been paid in full by My Son. Case dismissed!" The courtroom erupted in praise as angels celebrated the victory. Steve fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face—not from fear but from overwhelming gratitude. As they left the courtroom together, Jesus looked at Steve and said firmly, "Go and sin no more, but if you do sin, remember you have an advocate with the Father, Me, Jesus Christ the righteous. I am the propitiation for your sins” (1 John 2:1-2; John 8:11).
Believers, you have an Advocate before a loving God the Father that declares that you are Holy and righteous, that perfect justice has been fulfilled in Him. Substitute your name in the place of "Steve," and be assured of your salvation knowing who your advocate is, Jesus Christ, the righteous.
See you Sunday, loving our Advocate: Steve
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