Discouragement: An Effective Tool In Satan's Toolbox

Church Family:

True or False: If I have no opposition in my life, I must be doing the will of God.

True or False: If I am facing solid opposition in my life, I should quit because what I am doing must not be God’s will.

Well, hopefully you answered False to both statements. Both statements are terribly wrong and unbiblical as we can clearly see in the life of Nehemiah.

Wherever and whenever you see the Lord moving forward, working out His plan through His obedient servants, you are going to see some kind of opposition. Nehemiah was absolutely committed to God’s call upon him to lead the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. These were walls that were essential for the security and the blessing of the city of God, Jerusalem. When Nehemiah started the work, they were opposed by enemies from the North, East, South and West. The opposition mostly came in the form of anger-filled ridicule and mocking. They hoped that by mocking the people of God they could make them embarrassed, ashamed and discouraged to quit and give up!

Discouragement has always been one of the most effective tool in Satan’s tool box. This is exactly the same tactic that he throws at you today. We have a world that in many ways is hostile to the truth of God's Word and the message of Jesus Christ. Satan knows when to pick up his tool of discouragement and apply it to your life. Don’t forget that beyond discouragement Satan does not have much else that he uses to defeat us. He rather enjoys discouraging us into giving up. That is exactly what Nehemiah’s enemies were trying to do. They wanted him to give up on God's calling.

What did Nehemiah do to fight against the discouragement from outsiders and insiders? Two things, he was resilient in his prayers and strategic in his work. When we seek the Lord in prayer, leaving it in His hands, we must remember that those prayers then will include us in direct, strategic, participation in the work. Our prayers do not replace action, they make our actions effective for God's work. By prayer and action, Nehemiah lived out his declaration, “Our God will fight for us” (Neh. 4:20).

True or False: When opposition comes upon you, rejoice for you are becoming more resilient, perfect and complete lacking nothing.*

True or False: When opposition comes, your faith is being tested to be found real, more precious than gold, to result in praise and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ. **

See you Sunday, rejoicing in suffering: Steve

* James 1:2-4
**1 Peter 1:-6-7

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