God Moves

September 16, 2018
Hey GCT: Tonight as we endure our 57th hour of hurricane rain and I am not able to sleep, a critical spirit ran through my heart directed to God and I questioned Him about this Florence. Then His Spirit directed me to Job when God asks Job a long series of questions. Here are only a few. Don’t forget this is God questioning Job between chapters 38-41. And also directed to me, He said, hey Steve...
Job 38:8-11 8 "...who shut in the sea with doors when it burst out from the womb,
9 when I made clouds its garment and thick darkness its swaddling band,
10 and prescribed limits for it and set bars and doors,
11 and said, 'Thus far shall you come, and no farther, and here shall your proud waves be stayed'?

As I thought about those verses and the rest of the chapters, I was reminded that the God and creator of Florence is working His sovereign will in a way that is for our good and enjoyment of Him and His glory. The response God wants from us is TRUST! Trust me Steve. Trust me! I am God and I love you so trust me.

Conviction quickly came when I got to Job’s response in Job 42:2-6
2 "I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.
3 'Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge?' Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know.
4 'Hear, and I will speak; I will question you, and you make it known to me.'
5 I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you;
6 therefore I despise myself, and repent in dust and ashes." - Job 42:2-6

Church take your questions to the Lord and let Him respond through His Word. Our God is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness! He will respond! And that response will always be in merciful love as He always points us to His never failing skill of working His perfect will - so trust me... trust me, He says. I want you to trust me. I am God and I love you so trust me.

Stacey reminded me of the song we sing in worship “God Moves” (https://youtu.be/2pTEboDF090). Click on the link (if you have connection ability) and let the words penetrate your heart and your questions. This is a great reminder of God working in and through Florence. Trust Him.

God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform
He plants His footsteps in the sea
And rides upon the storm
Deep in His dark and hidden mines
With never-failing skill
He fashions all His bright designs
And works His sovereign will
So God we trust in You
O fearful saints new courage take
The clouds that you now dread
Are big with mercy and will break
In blessings on your head
Judge not the Lord by feeble sense
But trust Him for His grace
Behind a frowning providence
He hides a smiling face
O God we trust in You
When tears are great
And comforts few
We hope in mercies ever new
We trust in You
God’s purposes will ripen fast
Unfolding every hour
The bud may have a bitter taste
But sweet will be the flower
Blind unbelief is sure to err
And scan His work in vain
God is His own interpreter
And He will make it plain.

Pray with me for Florence to leave quickly. Trust Him.

God bless you church. I love you and can’t wait to see you on a sunny dry day soon. -Steve.

Sent from my iPhone

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