Are you still seeking for a sign?

August 21, 2020
Hello Church Family:  Have you ever found yourself seeking for a sign from God so that you can determine if He really is real?  Do you ask God, show me a sign that Jesus really is Your Son?  God, give me a sign that Jesus really is the sacrifice for my sins and the power of eternal life?  God, how can I be guaranteed peace with You?  God, can I really be assured of salvation because of the life of Jesus Christ?

Church, God has clearly given an answer to all of these questions through His Son, Jesus Christ, as discovered in scripture.  In fact, God has determined that we have more than enough evidence in scripture to see with our minds and soul, to understand, reason and receive that Jesus is God’s Son, our Savior who lived a perfect life, was crucified, buried and resurrected for the atonement for our sins, giving us peace with God and eternal life in His kingdom of heaven.  Are these signs irrefutable evidence and proof to the demanding skeptic?  Well simply... No.  But these are the signs that God has determined to give us through His Son Jesus Christ.   And Jesus says, to ask for another sign on top of all of these is straight up evil (Luke 11:29, Matthew 12:39).  Jesus, says, don’t be the one that asks for another sign like the Pharisees did in Luke 11.  Do you know someone seeking for a sign from God that Jesus is the Son of God?  Jesus breaks it down simply that seeking for a sign is not the indication of a willingness to believe but instead it is the proof of an unwillingness to believe the perfectly revealed evidence that has already been given in God’s Word through Jesus Christ.  No miracle has proven to be sufficient to produce faith within those who love their sin and refuse to turn to God.

Church we have been given more than enough revelation in Jesus Christ and in His Word for salvation, peace, conversion, regeneration, justification, adoption, sanctification, perseverance and glorification.  That really is an amazing gift!  And we get all of this by Faith.  Faith that does what?  Faith that simply receives this biblical revelation as truth saves us from the wrath of God to a life of rejoicing in Hope!  Faith in this revelation of Jesus Christ has great power!  Faith that receives the Gospel as truth is more than enough, it is sufficient, because the power of that faith rests in the God who saves, the object of our faith, not the fickleness of our own heart.  Rather than looking for more signs we must believe in the words that have already been spoken by Jesus Christ in His Word.  John 1:12 says, To all who received Him (Jesus), who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.  Faith saves because it receives Christ as supremely valuable.  Our faith receives Jesus as the One who is more glorious, more wonderful, more satisfying and more valuable than anything else in the universe.  Is that the testimony of your faith?  By faith, we consider everything else as loss compared to the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus Christ as Lord.  

Luke 11:29 When the crowds were increasing, he began to say, “This generation is an evil generation. It seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah.”

This Sunday we will be meeting in person at the church building if you would like to join us in person at 10am.  And for those who will be staying at home, we will  be live-streaming on our Grace Community Church Topsail YouTube Channel. Push the blue link.  We can also be found at

I look forward to worshipping with you Sunday, forgiven. - Steve

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