How to become a mega-church… According to Jesus

November 6, 2020
Hello Church Family: You know, despite our American culture that says, “bigger is better,” Jesus loves the “mini-church”!  The Church in Philadelphia was one of “little power” (Revelation 3:8) because of the great persecution, slander, hatred, animosity and the prideful posturing of the secular culture and the religious culture within their community.  They were “little in power” because of their size not their faith nor their obedience.  The church had been persecuted to the point that what was left of the church was the pure, righteous body of Christ with its passionate believers who kept God’s word, held tight to the gospel and never denied Jesus’ name.  Those within the church who were not true followers of Christ had not been victorious through the fierce tribulation in Philadelphia. The purified Philadelphian Church remained steadfast despite the combined efforts of the Jewish religious hypocrites and the pagan community coming against these long-suffering believers.  The Philadelphian Church was relentless in the midst of the daily temptation and pressure from the culture to quit!  The mini-church in Philadelphia held fast to their mega-Christ which empowered them to be conquerors in the midst of their tribulation.  This message is completely relevant to our church today.

This Philadelphian Church did not receive one single complaint from Jesus.  They received nothing but praise and promises from Him.  What a great place to be as a church.  They were commended because they knew Jesus well through knowing His Word and not denying His name (3:8).  This obedience made them more than conquerors in the midst of the great tribulation going on in Philadelphia.  It is when we make Jesus small and unknown in our daily lives and in our church that Jesus becomes easy to deny, dismiss, and devalue in today’s cultural pressure to submit.  A mini-church holding fast to the mega-Christ has mega-power despite whatever may come against us from the world and the promises that accompany to holding fast are profound (read Revelation 3:7-13).

One unfortunate habit of churches that have but “little power” is that they compare themselves with the "mega-churches”.  They can easily start to think that because of their small stature or seemingly little-known existence in the world that they may not be pleasing to God.  Jesus reminds us that this is not true.  He loudly proclaims in this letter to the Philadelphian Church that a mini-church is a "mega-church” in His eyes as long as it boasts and delights in the Mega-God, Himself, Jesus Christ.  And I must add, a mega-church that is failing to boast in our mega-Christ is of no use to anyone.  Just go back one letter in Revelation to Sardis to be reminded of this truth.  Church, we are the bride of the Mega-God, Jesus Christ.  Enjoy that power that is available to you today in Jesus Christ.  

Revelation 3:8 ‘I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.

This Sunday we will be meeting in person at the church building if you would like to join us in person at 10am.  And for those who will be staying at home, we will  be live-streaming on our Grace Community Church Topsail YouTube Channel. Push the blue link.  We can also be found at

We have been having issues Sunday mornings with our YouTube broadcast due to the overloading of the internet at that time.  We are trying several things that will help remedy the situation.  If you do not get a good broadcast at 10am, please check back later in the day or week for a recorded version.  I am very sorry about this.  

I look forward to worshipping our sovereign God, Jesus Christ with you Sunday. - Steve

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