The Warrior Jesus

June 18, 2021
Hello church family:  Aren’t children’s Jesus books great!  They are filled with such happy stories that are always encouraging, hopeful and loving.  I can remember reading them to Ashlyn and many other children as they listened intently with some really great follow-up questions that would always push the boundaries of any parent’s imagination.  So many Jesus Story Books are like your most loved and warm-comfy blanket on a cold winter morning.  You don’t seem to ever want to ever leave the comfort of that blanket.  But then as we read the Bible we will eventually get to the Jesus of Revelation chapter 19.  This heavenly warrior Jesus comes on the scene and rips the warm-comfy blanket Jesus off of us and says get dressed for battle you are coming with me and we are going to slay some beasts and a dragon and all who follow them! 
I have yet to see the Jesus of Revelation 19:11-21, portrayed in any children’s book.  

Let’s look at just a little bit of the description of Jesus:
His eyes are like a flame of fire.
In righteousness He judges and makes war.
He is wearing a robe dipped in blood.
He is followed by the armies of heaven (all believers).
From His mouth comes a sharp sword to strike down nations and rule them with a rod of iron.
He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty.

These are a just a few of the twelve ways Jesus is described in Revelation 19. The rest of the chapter paints a clear picture of how our divine warrior Jesus comes to wage war upon all the enemies of God.  It is a gruesome picture, go read it.  Jesus does not return as some children’s storybook Jesus.  He comes as the warrior Jesus to completely deliver His people.  He calls us to join Him in battle against the two beasts and those who follow them.  We are right next to Him in this battle.  Jesus returns to eliminate all of the evil from this world.  Warrior Jesus comes to destroy every enemy that defies Him and His Lordship.  He comes to create a new heaven and a new earth where we will live with Him in indescribable joy.  I guess not many kids would go to sleep after that story.  But let us not forget how great this story is and how much comfort the warrior Jesus is to be for every Christian throughout history.

Jesus wins!  And we are with Him when He wins.  We win!  Jesus Christ will triumph over all of enemies and He will vindicate His bride.  But all of those who wear the mark of the beast will suffer the full fury of God’s eternal wrath.  The second coming of Jesus Christ is perfectly good news for all those invited to the marriage supper of Christ.  All those who trust in Jesus Christ through faith alone should never fear the judgment of God, it has been taken away by the cross of Jesus Christ.  However, for those who do not follow Christ, His second coming is dreadful.  Be warned. If you are not trusting in Christ for your salvation, you cannot stand in the day of the coming warrior Jesus. You will be consumed.  But it is not too late to receive an invitation to the celebration supper with the Lamb.  Run to Jesus Christ today and submit to His Lordship.

Revelation 19:14 And the armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, were following Him on white horses.

I look forward to worshipping with you on Sunday, Steve

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