What is tribulation for?

January 1, 2021
Good Morning Church:  Well, personally, this marks my 10th day with Covid and the last time I counted our church was up to 28 people sick with or without Covid.  Many have been tested and are positive some have not been tested but still have the same symptoms of those that tested positive.  And yet, some have hardly any symptoms and are positive.

So, as I have been in quarantine, alone for the past 10 days, I have thought once more about how our present state of fast-moving sickness in our world is another example of the fourth horsemen of the fourth seal judgment of Revelation 6.  Do you remember?  Jesus opened the fourth seal and the rider came forth on a pale horse.  One of the things that the pale horse rider brings forth upon this earth is pestilence (sickness, disease).  Pestilence has been a reality in history since Genesis 3.  However, our country has been somewhat free from pandemic for a time.  We have enjoyed our freedom from rampant sickness and disease.  And then Covid comes to our neighborhood and we get sick and realize how fast health can go away.
So, does this present working of the fourth seal judgment in our church mean that God is punishing us in His wrath?  No!  The answer is no, no, no!  As long as we have been on this earth we have been in tribulation.  We have been in tribulation as unbelievers and as believers.  We are promised that the kingdom of God only comes to us through great tribulation on this earth.  In other words, tribulation is a gift from God for followers of Christ.

What is this light and momentary tribulation for?  Romans 5:3-5, tells us that tribulation is for bringing forth an endurance of our faith.  In whatever hardship we are suffering, does that pain, suffering and disappointment lead us to look away from Christ or look to Christ?  2 Corinthians 12:9-10, reminds us that we have been promised great power in Christ in our times of weakness.  God wants these fiery times of tribulation to make our faith in Him to be unbreakable.  He wants our faith to be like tempered steel that has greater strength, hardness and roughness to withstand great force, pressure and loads.  That is what tribulation is doing to our faith.

Tribulation is also for our faith to be proven (Romans 5:3-4) authentic.  When we go through tribulation and our faith is tested and it remains steadfast we get a great uplifting power that God has sustained our faith in the midst of hardships. God wants us to know that our faith is powerfully genuine so that we do great things with it.  He already knows if it is genuine, He wants us to know like He does so that we move through life with great spiritual boldness and strength to accomplish great things for the Kingdom.

Tribulation also is for producing hope that we can rejoice in no mater what.  When we go through tribulation and have persevered, our faith has been proven genuine and authentic.  This gives us a renewed hope that we are a child of God and this hope never disappoints (Romans 5:4-5) because God gives us a personal, strong experience of His love as He pours into our hearts His Holy Spirit.

Cling to these promises during these light and momentary afflictions. God is working in us and preparing for us as eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.  Be victorious in Christ.

2 Corinthians 4:17 For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison…

***This Sunday’s worship and prayer will be led by two guys with Covid, Kyle and me.  Kyle will be managing the live YouTube feed while I lead us in prayer and message.  At this time there will not be any music due to sicknesses and quarantine times of those who are sick or have been sick.  If you are in need of personal contact with the body of Christ for prayer and encouragement, you are welcome to be present.  We will make a way for that happen safely.***

At 10am we will live-stream worship on our Grace Community Church Topsail YouTube Channel.  Push the blue link.  We can also be found at https://www.gracetopsail.com/

Be Victorious in tribulation, Steve

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