Rewards in heaven?

August 13, 2021
Over the last few weeks, I have been asked one question several times, “Are there different levels of rewards in heaven?” So, this week we are going to focus on the one verse Revelation 22:12, “Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done.” 

Before we start to answer that question let us remember, God judges our salvation according to our faith in Jesus Christ. It is not our works that save us from God’s wrath. It is the gift of faith that we have been given that gives us salvation from the punishment of our sin. Through faith we inherit eternal life in the new heavens and the new earth. Eternal life is our inheritance which is different from any rewards that we may experience in heaven.

It is easy to forget that the goal of faith each day on this earth is to produce faithful works out of the abundance of blessings God has poured into our life. And yes we will be held responsible for all of our works. God will judge our works according to what we have done good or evil (2 Cor. 5:10). 

So, works are either good or evil. What happens to believers’ evil works? They are a loss, revealed in the day of judgment (1 Cor. 3:11-15). But remember, even that loss of life’s works will not result in any condemnation or punishment for the believer. Those “evil works” will simply be, a loss, gone, nothing, zero, zilch, a non-reward.

However, the good works that we have faithfully produced from the faith that was given to us will be rewarded in heaven. All the treasures that we have laid up in heaven while on earth will be rewarded in eternity. If your faith has sewn good works on earth you will reap bountifully rewards in heaven. If your faith has sewn sparingly good works on earth, you will reap sparingly rewards in heaven (2 Cor. 9:6-8). 

Yes, all who trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior will receive the inheritance of eternal life. And yes, each believer will be rewarded differently upon arrival because of their works. Some will have an abundance of rewards while others will have limited rewards. Yet, even in the distribution of different rewards every resident of heaven will be perfectly happy and completely full of God. There will be no frustration, envy, resentment, jealousy or arrogance. There will be no hierarchy of people with rewards or non-rewards. We will all stand totally dependent upon God’s grace for all of our holiness and happiness.

Should you seek to earn rewards in heaven for yourself? – No!
Should you seek to live a life of faithfulness to God because He has given you salvation and eternal life? – Yes!

From what gifts, blessings, struggles, provision, time is God calling you to produce good works? If you think that you have only been blessed a little, then you are responsible to produce works from that little. And God has promised to bless you with even more as you faithfully use those small gifts. The faithful use of a small gift produces more delight in God that the slothful use of a great gift.

I look forward to worshipping with you Sunday the God who rewards, Steve

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