The Kingdom of God Crushes All Other kingdoms... Today

September 17, 2021
Once upon a time there was pastor in Scotland, his name was Andrew Mellville. The year was 1584. Pastor Andrew went to his loving church one Sunday and preached a sermon that was not approved by the government officials. That is correct, the pastor’s sermons had to be approved by the government officials. You could only preach what had been approved by the government. Pastor Andrew refused to accept the authority of the government to make judgments on his preaching as he said he was a messenger of a King “far above them” – the Lord and King Jesus Christ. The officials scolded Pastor Andrew and told him that he could no longer be pastor of his church and he must leave Scotland immediately. Pastor Andrew moved to England to be a Theology Professor with direct contact with the royal family. In 1596 Pastor Andrew made a famous speech to King James VI of Scotland who was putting pressure on the church to further conform and submit to government oversight. Pastor Andrew told the king, “Sirrah, ye are God's silly vassal; there are two kings and two kingdoms in Scotland: there is king James, the head of the commonwealth; and there is Christ Jesus, the king of the Church, whose subject James the Sixth is, and of whose kingdom he is not a king, not a lord, not a head, but a member."
Pastor Andrew declared and lived out the declaration of God’s dream given to the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 2. Daniel’s interpretation of King Neb's dream is a declaration to the King and to every other king that follows (including presidents) that your kingdom is temporal but God’s Kingdom is eternal! Daniel tells the king, God has established a Kingdom that shall never be destroyed but yours will be destroyed King Neb. God has established a kingdom that will never be defeated but yours will be defeated King Neb. Daniel shows the king through his dream that the last Kingdom standing on this earth will be the Kingdom of God. Nations will rise up against nations but they will all be destroyed. There is only one Kingdom that stands above all other kingdoms and it is not the Kingdom of men but it is the Kingdom of God.
Church, the world today ignores God and His Kingdom. They laugh at the thought of God's Kingdom being victorious against every other nation. The Kingdom that will stand in victory is rarely mentioned or acknowledged. We should not expect anything else. However, today in this world, the Kingdom of God is thriving! It is becoming stronger and stronger. It is moving further and further into all nations. The Kingdom of God is manifest in the church today as the children of the Kingdom live under His kingly rule — His reign, His action, His lordship, His sovereign governance. Can you see the Kingdom of God that breaks in pieces all other kingdoms and brings them to an end, and standing forever (Dan. 2:44)?

God's Kingdom on earth will never be defeated, and never be destroyed. Let us live like citizens of the victorious Kingdom with endless hope, joy inexpressible, and a boldness that speaks and acts with honor and love. The Kingdom of God wins, let's act like it!

I look forward to worshipping with you undefeated on Sunday, Steve

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