There is No Partiality With God - That's a Good Thing!

May 13, 2022
Church family: Have you ever been on the receiving end of someone's partial judgment? Someone else was shown favoritism other than you. Have you seen partiality or favoritism today? It is generally everywhere. Partiality is when a person judges somebody else based upon what they see on external appearances rather than what is true of the heart. We can be more partial to those who are in certain specific families, or of a certain culture, political affiliation, education level, military background, level of wealth, influence, or position in community. Generally, a person shows partiality to get something in return.

Do you think God is partial based upon external appearance or characteristic before He decides how much love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, or any other Godly attribute to bless them or judge them with?

We are told without any amount of confusion, God shows no partiality (Romans 2:11) when it comes to His judgments. God sees through all externals and goes to the heart for judgment (1 Sam. 16:7). God judges all by the same measure, His own holiness. This means that Jew and Gentile are both on the same playing field, there is no distinction (Gal. 3:28). They are held to the same measure of judgment and in need of the same Savior, Jesus Christ, to justify them as righteous before a holy God.

God is declaring in Romans 2, that no matter what your external achievements are, no matter your bloodline, no matter how faithfully you obey what Scripture requires, you will never measure up to the standards of the God of Scripture. There is no partiality! God requires absolute perfection. Anybody who wishes to stand in God’s presence or be granted entrance into His eternal kingdom must also be holy and righteous without partiality.

But wait! Great news! God provides His own righteousness to us and for us through the gospel of His sinless life, substitutionary death, and bodily resurrection of Jesus. Without partiality! Which means not based on any external appearance or achievement on our part. Only by grace through faith does God legally transfer the righteousness of Jesus to our account without partiality. God then sees and knows you as one who is clothed in and characterized by the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Without partiality.

Enjoy God’s impartiality today! - Steve

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