17 Hostages and Daniel's Dream = HOPE

October 22, 2021
As I write this, there are seventeen Christian missionaries being held hostage in Haiti by a violent Haitian gang who holds them for ransom at a price of one million dollars each. These hostages include four children and a baby. When events like this happen in this chaotic world what does God want us to think? What does God want these seventeen missionary hostages to think as they are fearing for their lives in Haiti?
God gave Daniel a dream in the year 550bc for us and for these Christian missionaries to never lose Hope. God wants believers to know that there are endless nations, kingdoms and gangs who roam this earth thinking that they are in control as they all desire to be the top dog in the kingdom of man. But wait! In Daniel’s dream God shows Daniel and us what is really going on in heaven as these tribulations take place on earth. God says, “I sit in judgment over all of these nations and kingdoms” (Daniel 7:9-10). God is telling believers, especially those in tribulation, that even though each nation in this kingdom of man looks like a ravenous beast working out its own desires, He is providentially working out His purposes perfectly. God wants us to never lose hope in these very difficult times. God says, “trust in me as I work out My heavenly purposes” even as these beastly nations rage. God is at work! God says, I will destroy and consume these godless nations and gangs” (Daniel 7:26). And His children, including each hostage, will inherit the everlasting kingdom of God and its dominion (Daniel 7:17, 27). HOPE!
Church, let us surround our brothers and sister in Christ in prayer. Join me in praying for their steadfastness in these persecutions. Here are some letters from the families of the missionaries to direct our prayers:
Dear Church of Christ around the world,
Thank you for your prayers on behalf of our family members who are being held hostage in Haiti. God has given our loved ones the unique opportunity to live out our Lord’s command to, “love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you” (Matthew 5:44). God invites us to call upon His name in the day of trouble. (Psalm 50:15) We thank Him that He is God, and ask Him to hear our prayers and bring our families home. We also pray that the light of God’s love might shine out into the darkness of sin, and that the gang members might be freed from their bondage to sin and experience freedom in Jesus Christ.

Thank you, brothers and sisters in Christ, and PLEASE keep praying! - The families of the hostages

  • Pray for the hostages—for their release, that they could endure faithfully, and that they would display Christlike love. Jesus, when nailed to the cross, said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”
  • Pray for the kidnappers—that they would experience the love of Jesus and turn to Him. We see that as their ultimate need.
  • Pray for government leaders and authorities—as they relate to the case and work toward the release of the hostages. We appreciate the ongoing work and assistance of those knowledgeable and experienced in dealing with kidnapping cases.
Thank you for your prayers. We greatly appreciate the outpouring of support during this difficult time. God bless you. - Christian Aid Ministries | October 21, 2021 1:30 p.m.

Daniel 7:27 And the kingdom and the dominion and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High; his kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him. 

In Jesus Name, Amen.

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