Each one of us has received a gift - Do you know what that gift is?

January 27, 2018
"Aren't you so excited to see what happens!" - One GCT brother proclaimed this week.  They were referring to all of GCT praying for God to reveal more clearly personal giftings of the Holy Spirit that we discussed last week from Ephesians 4:7.

Each one of us has received a gift from the ascended Christ through the power of Holy Spirit for the purpose of "equipping the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ" (4:12)  This means that each one of us has been gifted with power for the purposes of God in this world.  We need to embrace this truth as the local body of Christ - GCT so that we fulfill Hs purposes for us here in Hampstead and around the world.

I hope that your time in prayer this week has brought some clarity or empowering in your gifting.  We are going to continue this week looking at the gifts that Jesus has given to us as His body in Ephesians 4, hoping that each one of us will be emboldened by the power of God to exercise our giftings of the Holy Spirit to build the church and point the world to Christ.  We cannot neglect these gifts.

Please continue to pray that God Himself, in us, will energize our souls, give revelation to our minds, power in our wills and work His sovereign will through us as we exercise our gifts.

Please remember the Vestal family in your prayers as they celebrate the life of Andy's mother, Patricia, today at her funeral in New bern.  http://www.pollockbest.com/obituary/patricia-vestal

I hope to see you Sunday with your gift. -  Steve

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