The Mystery of Mysteries in All of History
by Steve Marshall on March 25th, 2023
December 9, 2022 Immanuel, God is with us. The Son of God, being eternal God, of one substance with the Father, equal with the Father, infinite, perfect, pure in Spirit, invisible, without body, unchangeable, almighty, creator of the universe put on human flesh and dwelt amongst us. That is the greatest mystery in all of history. God became man without losing any of His God-ness. His name is Jesus...  Read More
Why did I just do that?
by Steve Marshall on March 25th, 2023
December 2, 2022 Church Family: Are you struggling with sin today? Do you ever think, "why did I just do that?" You are not alone. We all still struggle with sin. Even while being declared righteous we choose words that kill relationships? We set our minds on the things of the world and flesh and pursue them. Why? Why is this Christian walk such a struggle? Why do we have to fight every day to liv...  Read More
Hello, My Name is Covetousness
by Steve Marshall on March 25th, 2023
November 25, 2022 Covetousness is sneaky. Do you know him? Do you know what he looks like? If you do not know who he is he may already be living in your heart causing upheaval in all areas of your life. Covetousness will certainly destroy a heart of thanksgiving and replace it with discontentment. In Romans 7:7-12, Paul tells us that covetousness is always wanting to seize an opportunity to destro...  Read More
Bear Fruit
by Steve Marshall on March 25th, 2023
November 18, 2022 Church family: What is God’s purpose for you today in whatever you are doing? Even right this second? Every day, in every moment, in every situation God desires that you would “bear fruit” for Him (Romans 7:4). You have been released from the shackles of slavery to the law, sin and death so that from your heart, by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, you will bear fruit fo...  Read More
Slaves of God
by Steve Marshall on March 25th, 2023
November 11, 2022 Church Family: The Bible uses various metaphors to describe our relationship as Christians with the One True God. Every metaphor communicates different realities about our relationship with Him. One of the most abundant metaphors in the New Testament is that of God as our master and His people as slaves. In Christ we have been made slaves of God. Most English translations avoid u...  Read More
Under Law or Under Grace?
by Steve Marshall on March 25th, 2023
November 4, 2022 Church Family: Are you living “under the law or under grace” (Romans 6:12-14)? God’s law says, “Do this and you shall live.” Can you already feel the weight of the law? Do this and don’t do that and you will live. But if you fail to keep this law completely you will die a spiritual death for eternity. The weight is heavy! If you believe that it is your responsibility to justify yo...  Read More
A Peasant Farmer, The Black Plague and No Bible
by Steve Marshall on March 25th, 2023
October 28, 2022 Church family: Think with me, you are living in fourteenth century England. You are a peasant farmer who works tirelessly to bring in an acceptable harvest for the landowner. Like everyone else that you know, you consider yourself a Christian, yet you have never read or seen a Bible. In fact, there is no Bible that has been translated in your language, English. And now there is a ...  Read More
What is True of Him is True of You
by Steve Marshall on March 25th, 2023
October 21, 2022 Church Family: Do you think much about your union with Christ? You have been taken out of Adam, removed from the kingdom and reign of sin, and now you are IN Christ! Every blessing and every promise that you have received through salvation is because you are united with Christ, being one with Christ (Romans 6:3-5). Union with Christ is one of the epic truths of Christianity that w...  Read More
"Christianity Lite"
by Steve Marshall on March 25th, 2023
October 7, 2022 Church Family: There has been a movement in the American Church for several decades to embrace an alternative to true biblical Christianity. It is a watered down version, a so called “Christianity Lite." Christianity Lite says, “Jesus loves you, so do whatever you want to do.” Christianity Lite makes the statement, “Let’s all continue in sin that grace may abound” (Romans 6:1-2). S...  Read More
Condemned No More!
by Steve Marshall on March 25th, 2023
September 30, 2022 Church Family: Do you struggle with condemnation? Do you live like your faith is inadequate for God’s full pardon and acceptance? Do you refuse to acknowledge that all of the ungodly stuff in your past is completely forgiven and reconciled with God? Do you want to be released from condemnation?To fully experience a release from all condemnation, you must fight to understand and ...  Read More
Jesus Christ, The True and Better Adam
by Steve Marshall on March 25th, 2023
September 23, 2022 Church family: As you know, things are not the way they are supposed to be. Every human that has ever lived has contributed to things not being what they are supposed to be. Whether through lying, slander, gossip, lust, selfishness, pride, envy, murder, or any other sin that we pursue, we perpetuate the world not being the way it is supposed to be. But why? With the exception of...  Read More
Believers Will Never Experience God's Wrath
by Steve Marshall on March 25th, 2023
September 16, 2022 Church Family: Do you ever find yourself going through difficult circumstances in life thinking that God is lashing out at you because you have really made Him mad? Do you think that God is having an outburst of Godly wrath upon you because of something you have done? Will you as a redeemed child of God ever experience the wrath of God? No, no, and no! A redeemed, justified, chi...  Read More
God's Deep Love
by Steve Marshall on March 25th, 2023
September 9, 2022 Church Family: You are the object of God's love. The Creator of the universe has set His love upon you for His delight. For as high as the heavens are above the earth so great is God's steadfast love toward those who fear Him. (Psalm 103:11). God's lovingkindness that He has toward you extends to the heavens (Psalm 36:5). No doubt God's love for us is vast but have you ever thoug...  Read More
Magic Wand or Suffering?
by Steve Marshall on March 25th, 2023
September 2, 2022 Hello Church family: What is one of the most counterintuitive statements in the Bible? At least in the top three must be the statement found in Romans 5:3, “Rejoice in your sufferings.”So wait, God is telling us that we are to rejoice in physical pain, cancer, broken relationships, a hurricane smashing your home, painful accidents, Highway 17 traffic making you late, needing a ne...  Read More
Saved By Faith For Good Works
by Steve Marshall on March 25th, 2023
August 26, 2022 Church Family: The question has been asked several times over the last few months, "Can you be a Christian without producing good works?" As we have been going through the book of Romans, it has been very clear that faith alone is the condition of salvation. But what about works? This Sunday, we will specifically answer this question.To understand where good works fit into the Chri...  Read More
Peace With God Sows Peace
by Steve Marshall on March 25th, 2023
August 19, 2022 Church Family: Your life on the outside can be an absolute disaster. Your bank account can be nearing zero. The future of your employment can be uncertain. The nation that you live in may seem to be imploding. Your physical health may be waning. Yet, despite all of these external characteristics you can experience calm, rest, and be consumed completely with peace that surpasses all...  Read More
Live The Heir Life
by Steve Marshall on March 25th, 2023
August 12, 2022 Church Family: Did you know that you become an heir of the world through the righteousness of faith (Romans 4:13)? Wait! Don’t get mad or upset. I know that being an heir of this world does not sound that great these days but this inheritance is far greater than you can possibly imagine. We are told in Scripture that the righteousness of faith that you have been given makes you Abr...  Read More
100% Guaranteed
by Steve Marshall on March 25th, 2023
August 5, 2022 Church Family: As a believer who still struggles with sin, do you have a guarantee that you can absolutely bank on that proves that God has accomplished His miraculous work in you of making you a new creation in Christ Jesus, forgiven and declared righteous?The answer is absolutely, Yes! God gives us a money back, lifetime guarantee, a seal, to authenticate that you have been raised...  Read More
Made Happy In The Gospel
by Steve Marshall on March 22nd, 2023
July 29, 2022 Church family: Do you have a sin that you are regretting right about now? Do you struggle with understanding God's perception of you as you struggle with that sin?As a child of God, who has been declared righteous through faith alone based on the merit of Christ alone (justification), how does God look at you today as you continue to struggle with sin?Does God look at you, His child,...  Read More
by Steve Marshall on March 22nd, 2023
July 22, 2022 Church family: In the Old Testament, Zechariah has a life-changing vision. Joshua, the high priest, is standing in the presence of God wearing filthy, excrement-stained priestly garments (Zechariah 3:1-7). Joshua’s filthy garments were the exact opposite of what he was supposed to be wearing in the presence of a Holy God. He was supposed to be wearing a very specific holy linen coat ...  Read More
How do you boast?
by Steve Marshall on March 22nd, 2023
July 15, 2022 Church Family: Have you ever tried to have a relationship with another person who loves talking about themself? They love to glory in their own accomplishments, wisdom and abilities. They control the conversation with how they feel, what they think, what they want, and what they need. Their heart is full of boasting. What is the result of a one-sided boasting relationship? The relati...  Read More
God Has Propitiated Your Need for Propitiation
by Steve Marshall on March 22nd, 2023
July 8, 2022 Hello Church Family: What would you do, where would you start, what would you say, if you were told that today, that due to your sins this past week you needed to get busy working to satisfy an angry, wrathful god who is against you? What a hopeless thought. By the way, that is the thought of followers of every other religion in this world. Unfortunately, that still may be the practic...  Read More
by Steve Marshall on March 22nd, 2023
July 1, 2022 Church family: Redemption always starts with something really bad, but then God makes that bad into something really good. To understand the majesty of the good in God's work of redemption we need to look at the bad. Every human being of all time has been at one point in their life enslaved to sin (John 8:34). You may be enslaved to sin as you read this. As a slave to sin we served th...  Read More
But Now!
by Steve Marshall on March 22nd, 2023
June 24, 2022 Do you have a “but now” moment in your life? Have you experienced God’s gift of the “but now?” Two of the greatest words in scripture – “but now” (Romans 3:21). “But now” means something has changed. There was a then and now there is a now. The “but now” has happened and has brought us a remedy for our total sinful corruption (Romans 3:10-18). The “but now” has put an end to the futi...  Read More



Hebrews 10:24-25Psalm 32Psalm 1Like A Tree...He is our SHIELD, our GLORY, and the LIFTER of our head...No Longer Live For Themselves...We worship a LORD who wants our words, meditations and cries...The goal of all things in each moment everywhere...A stronghold in times of trouble!God keeps you as the little man in His eye.And who is a Rock, except our God?His way is perfect. Always. Forever.The LORD restores your soul perfectly."Whatever the Lord does" is beautiful.The LORD's perfect law will REVIVE your soul.100% Wisdom guaranteed!Come and Claim Your Great Reward.Immeasurable riches for you daily in Christ.Know this! Show this!God's kindness is perfect and the power that leads us to repentance.The LORD loves being a Shepherd.The LORD makes Himself famous by perfectly shepherding us.A Great Shepherd that Promises to Equip Us With Everything Good to do His WillBear a Burden, Share a Burden100% Guaranteed Rest from Your BurdensTGIM: Thank God It's Monday!All of Our Work Matters to God - Yes, Even That WorkLooking Toward November 8 With HopeThe Best Rest!Sola Fide - Faith AloneGod Will Establish His Rule on the Earth Today November 8 and Every Day That FollowsFit for the Kingdom of GodFaithful Prayer brings Faithful Power - God's power.Remembering the Good in Good Friday - Good Friday TimelineFind God's Glory in Every StoryDenying Self Remains Our Call Even During a PandemicCome together in Prayer and Fasting - Wednesday evening to Thursday evening5:13pm Daily - Powerfully Praying TogetherHave you noticed? Can you see it?None of this is meaningless!Grace Community Church's Mitigation Strategy for COVID-19Do not fear; Only believe!Why Demons... today? For God's greatness to be seen more clearly everyday.Having Faith vs. Engaging FaithWhat does your heart hear? - With a hardness, shallowness, thorniness or goodness?Know Your Sins - Know His ForgivenessDoubt your doubts... not Jesus.Compassion Costs Us Something - Invest Your CompassionWonder twin powers - activate! Faith and The Word of GodHoliness is something we are to do because of what we already are - Holy.Boasting in our arrogance in 2020 vs. Resting in God's Providence in 2020Does the start of 2020 find you spiritually renewed or spiritually sleepy?Satan never saw it coming... the IncarnationWhen do you forgive someone's grievous sin against you?Are you a Peacemaker or a Peacefaker?What does gratitude look like today?We Grieve with HopeFear wants to be your boss. God says, nope...What does your anger look like? What is your anger saying?


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