New Year, New You? New Year, Same God.
by Kyle Mills on March 20th, 2023
December 31, 2021 Church family: It’s the last day of 2021. Have you accomplished everything you resolved in your mind to accomplish on New Year’s Day 2021, 364 days ago?Starting tomorrow, will you repeat the resolution process all over once more?New Year’s Resolutions can be good. Scripture even says it is good when we resolve to do things, when we set our heart upon something to accomplish it (P...  Read More
The Greatest Glory and Most Peaceful Peace
by Steve Marshall on March 20th, 2023
December 24, 2021 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom He is pleased!” This hymn of praise was so great that not just one angel but an heavenly army of angels sang it to the shepherds out in the fields that one December night that the Savior, Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, cam...  Read More
Receive Your Free Gift Today
by Steve Marshall on March 20th, 2023
December 17, 2021 Hello Church Family: Have you ever received a “free gift” that was not free? I can remember when I was an avid cereal eater, Frankenberry was my favorite, I would read the back of the box and be enticed to send off via mail a request for the free gift advertised. But, upon reading the fine print for this fine free plastic gift, that every boy wanted, I had to buy five more boxes ...  Read More
The Epicenter of Christian Faith - God Became Flesh
by Steve Marshall on March 20th, 2023
December 10, 2021 Church family: Would you please join me in this one question survey? Here is the one question:1- When meditating on the gospel of Jesus Christ which of the following brings a greater sense of awe and amazement?a) A crucified God on Good Fridayb) A resurrected God at the empty tomb on Easter Sundayc) A God becoming human on Christmas morningWait… wait… give that some thought, cont...  Read More
What happens in the future depends on what we pray in the present.
by Steve Marshall on March 20th, 2023
December 3, 2021 Church family: It is very easy to ignore the constant spiritual warfare around us everyday. We are in a spiritual fight whether we acknowledge it or not. For example, it is very easy to only look at the “liberal” SCOTUS judges and think that they are the only ones standing in the way of defeating abortion in the USA. And it is easy to think that the shooting Wednesday, at the Oxfo...  Read More
The Archangel Gabriel Flies To Daniel to Talk About The Messiah
by Steve Marshall on March 20th, 2023
Hello Church Family: God wants you to know who you are. You are the child of the living God who desires to do you good perpetually for eternity. Everything from God today, yesterday and tomorrow is good all the time. You have so much to be thankful for!  Even exile from a loving God is good for His children. As we discussed last week, God intended Israel’s exile for good for them and Daniel. God’s...  Read More
"This is wrong. I have sinned. God is grieved. I hate this sin. Help me put this sin to death" = Confession
by Steve Marshall on March 20th, 2023
November 19, 2021 Church Family: Where is your daily sin struggle? Is your struggle with hopelessness, bitterness, anger, violence, laziness, greed, sexual immorality, judgmental words, anxiety, gossip, selfishness? Whatever may be your daily struggle, you must remember that God welcomes and invites you as you are burdened with sin. “Jesus has not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentan...  Read More
God flexes His sovereignty for your hope today.
by Steve Marshall on March 20th, 2023
November 5, 2021 God sometimes flexes His sovereign muscles with very clear specifics to what is next in our lives. He did this in Daniel 8, when He gave Daniel the dream about the rise and fall of future kingdoms and kings. Why does He give such clear prophecy to Daniel? God wanted to encourage His people! His people had been in captivity for almost 70 years. They were being kept from worshipping...  Read More
God's record is better than University of Michigan's
by Steve Marshall on March 20th, 2023
October 29, 2021 Church family: Do you know who the top three most winning college football teams are in the history of NCAA games? Are you ready? As of today, first place goes to University of Michigan with 978 wins. Second place goes to University of Alabama with 938 wins. Third place goes to Ohio State with 936 wins. That is very impressive, but you know what? Each one of these top three winnin...  Read More
17 Hostages and Daniel's Dream = HOPE
by Steve Marshall on March 20th, 2023
October 22, 2021 As I write this, there are seventeen Christian missionaries being held hostage in Haiti by a violent Haitian gang who holds them for ransom at a price of one million dollars each. These hostages include four children and a baby. When events like this happen in this chaotic world what does God want us to think? What does God want these seventeen missionary hostages to think as they...  Read More
When is it good to defy the government?
by Steve Marshall on March 20th, 2023
October 15, 2021 Church family: When is it good and righteous for believers to defy the government? We know that there are several scriptures throughout the Bible that command Christians to submit to the ruling authorities (i.e., Romans 13:1-7). Paul, who wrote Romans, commands believers to obey the government. However, Paul made that command presuming that rulers would be fulfilling the task that...  Read More
The LORD is seeing to "IT"!
by Steve Marshall on March 20th, 2023
October 8, 2021 Church Family: One of God’s names He uses for Himself is Jehovah Jireh which means, The LORD will provide or The LORD will see to it. That name is to be an encouragement for us. God wants you to know right now that He is seeing to "it!" Whatever “it” is that you are struggling with, He is seeing to “it.” He is not a passive participant in “it.” He is bringing “it” about purposefull...  Read More
God Is Sovereign Over Narcissistic Earthly Kings (and non-Kings)
by Steve Marshall on March 20th, 2023
October 1, 2021 Church family: We have great hope in this truth! There is no such thing as authority that is not under the rule of God the Father. This is what it means to be God. He is sovereign over the whole world and everything that happens in it, including earthly kings. Our Sovereign God is never frustrated, vulnerable or defeated by earthly rulers. God is never backed into a corner where He...  Read More
Don't Fear The Furnace
by Steve Marshall on March 20th, 2023
September 24, 2021 Wow! What a story, Church!Most likely, we have all read it before. In Daniel chapter three, we find a story that never gets old and is applicable for every generation over the last 2700 years since this story occurred. King Nebuchadnezzar and the leaders of Babylon demanded that everyone living under their leadership, including those worshippers of Yahweh, must do three things o...  Read More
The Kingdom of God Crushes All Other kingdoms... Today
by Steve Marshall on March 20th, 2023
September 17, 2021 Once upon a time there was pastor in Scotland, his name was Andrew Mellville. The year was 1584. Pastor Andrew went to his loving church one Sunday and preached a sermon that was not approved by the government officials. That is correct, the pastor’s sermons had to be approved by the government officials. You could only preach what had been approved by the government. Pastor And...  Read More
Turn End-Time Fear Into End-Time Resolve!
by Steve Marshall on March 20th, 2023
September 3, 2021 Church Family: Has your mind ever been shaken or your spirit alarmed when you hear others speak about what they think may happen before the second coming of Jesus Christ? If you answered “Yes” then you are not alone. The first century church was struggling with the same problem. There was rampant fear mongering back then just like there is today. The Church of Thessalonica was st...  Read More
Beware! In case of rapture this car will be unmanned.
by Steve Marshall on March 20th, 2023
August 27, 2021 Church Family: Have you ever heard of “Bumper Sticker Theology?” This is when Christians try to communicate some sort of biblical truth in a concise memorable, catchy phrase that can be put on a bumper sticker. Most of the phrases have some element of truth to make them sound believable, but when you try to back up the phrase with biblical evidence you quickly find that the cute, c...  Read More
Rewards in heaven?
by Steve Marshall on March 20th, 2023
August 13, 2021 Over the last few weeks, I have been asked one question several times, “Are there different levels of rewards in heaven?” So, this week we are going to focus on the one verse Revelation 22:12, “Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done.” Before we start to answer that question let us remember, God judges our salvation according...  Read More
Face to Face for Eternity
by Steve Marshall on March 16th, 2023
August 6, 2021 Hey Church Family:This week, for me, has been a week of dwelling on marriage as I been preparing for a wedding tonight. I have been with the bride and groom in personal conversations and counseling. I have prepared a wedding. I went to a wedding rehearsal and dinner last night. During all of this the one thing you cannot escape experiencing from these interactions is that the groom ...  Read More
Bridezilla or Bride of Christ?
by Steve Marshall on March 16th, 2023
July 30, 2021 Hello Church Family:Take a moment to think of the church today, with all its faults, divisions, ugliness and controversies. Ok, don't stay there too long but, yes, as you know the bride of Christ on earth can frequently be somewhat like a bridezilla. Now go over to Revelation 21, and look at the perfected Bride of the Lamb, adorned with every imaginable precious jewel and covered in ...  Read More
Life Today is Controlled by What We Think About Heaven
by Steve Marshall on March 16th, 2023
July 23, 2021 Church family: Have you found eternal happiness on earth? Do you long for more of this life on this earth more than an eternity in heaven with God in a perfect heaven? If so, that is a dangerous place to be. Earth tempts us to desire to stay and enjoy its fleeting treasures more than enjoying the eternal, incomparable, uninhibited presence of God. If we are delighting in the delicaci...  Read More
How will you stand before the throne of God?
by Steve Marshall on March 16th, 2023
July 16, 2021 Hello Church Family: Does standing before God on judgment day create great fear and anxiety in your heart?  Is the thought of you having to give account for every thought, word and action more than you can handle? In John’s vision at the end of Revelation 20, he describes the final judgment that is yet to come. This final judgment determines whether you enter the new heavens and the ...  Read More
Satan is The Loser - Not The Church
by Steve Marshall on March 13th, 2023
July 9, 2021 Hello Church!  Once again, Revelation is an encouragement!  The visions that John received to give to the Church is for our victory and encouragement.  The millennial picture of Christ’s reign, Satan’s binding and then future release to wage war on the Church is for our encouragement.  Yes!  It really is.  This is another picture of the same story that we have seen over and over throu...  Read More
Rejoice in the first resurrection - today
by Steve Marshall on March 13th, 2023
July 2, 2021 Hello Wonderful Church Family: Jesus tells us in Luke 20:38, that God is not the God of the dead, He is God of the living. Jesus also tells us in Luke 20:37, that God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  Therefore, we can rejoice in the truth that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are presently living, they are included in the sons of the resurrection in Luke 20:36, living eternally with t...  Read More



Hebrews 10:24-25Psalm 32Psalm 1Like A Tree...He is our SHIELD, our GLORY, and the LIFTER of our head...No Longer Live For Themselves...We worship a LORD who wants our words, meditations and cries...The goal of all things in each moment everywhere...A stronghold in times of trouble!God keeps you as the little man in His eye.And who is a Rock, except our God?His way is perfect. Always. Forever.The LORD restores your soul perfectly."Whatever the Lord does" is beautiful.The LORD's perfect law will REVIVE your soul.100% Wisdom guaranteed!Come and Claim Your Great Reward.Immeasurable riches for you daily in Christ.Know this! Show this!God's kindness is perfect and the power that leads us to repentance.The LORD loves being a Shepherd.The LORD makes Himself famous by perfectly shepherding us.A Great Shepherd that Promises to Equip Us With Everything Good to do His WillBear a Burden, Share a Burden100% Guaranteed Rest from Your BurdensTGIM: Thank God It's Monday!All of Our Work Matters to God - Yes, Even That WorkLooking Toward November 8 With HopeThe Best Rest!Sola Fide - Faith AloneGod Will Establish His Rule on the Earth Today November 8 and Every Day That FollowsFit for the Kingdom of GodFaithful Prayer brings Faithful Power - God's power.Remembering the Good in Good Friday - Good Friday TimelineFind God's Glory in Every StoryDenying Self Remains Our Call Even During a PandemicCome together in Prayer and Fasting - Wednesday evening to Thursday evening5:13pm Daily - Powerfully Praying TogetherHave you noticed? Can you see it?None of this is meaningless!Grace Community Church's Mitigation Strategy for COVID-19Do not fear; Only believe!Why Demons... today? For God's greatness to be seen more clearly everyday.Having Faith vs. Engaging FaithWhat does your heart hear? - With a hardness, shallowness, thorniness or goodness?Know Your Sins - Know His ForgivenessDoubt your doubts... not Jesus.Compassion Costs Us Something - Invest Your CompassionWonder twin powers - activate! Faith and The Word of GodHoliness is something we are to do because of what we already are - Holy.Boasting in our arrogance in 2020 vs. Resting in God's Providence in 2020Does the start of 2020 find you spiritually renewed or spiritually sleepy?Satan never saw it coming... the IncarnationWhen do you forgive someone's grievous sin against you?Are you a Peacemaker or a Peacefaker?What does gratitude look like today?We Grieve with HopeFear wants to be your boss. God says, nope...What does your anger look like? What is your anger saying?


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